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Digital Product Design for Stunning Web and Mobile Apps.pdf

$ 0,00

For many IT business owners, focusing on the user started with ergonomics and usability. Everyone was talking about creating products so that they were easy to use. The business started to be interested not only in the overall user satisfaction but more specifically in ways to improve their product. Design began to mean more than a pixel and the general “feel”.


For many IT business owners, focusing on the user started with ergonomics and usability. Everyone was talking about creating products so that they were easy to use. The business started to be interested not only in the overall user satisfaction but more specifically in ways to improve their product. Design began to mean more than a pixel and the general “feel”.

Now business understands that there is a need for users’ advocate in the team. Designers started to be the part of the product creation process. They were evolving and specialising in different fields. The overall goal of designers changed to translating business requirements combined with user needs into tasks.


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